With Beauty & Light We Become More
Several years ago I was introduced to an ancient light being... a cherished friend, teacher, guide and guardian from the crystal realms. Her name is Kriss-Tar
My first memory of her came during a meditation in Scottsdale, Arizona. The year was 1972 and I was being guided through massive crystalline caves into a classroom where some 30 others were gathered.
Each student was exploring the core of crystalline knowledge, origin, purpose and function. It was similar to a present day university (doctorate level), except duration of attendance
was based upon the degree of depth, understanding and wisdom individually desired. My 'professor' so to speak, was and is a beautiful shimmering crystalline being not unlike ourselves in body yet with an amazing radiance of light and color emanating throughout her entire form.
Kriss-Tar is an 'Ancient One' having come forth as an emissary, a link in time to guide those ready through a portal of knowledge. Her wisdom reaches far beyond that of the crystals as we know them. For her these spectrums contain the origins of forever. In their original liquid state they are a radiance of light and love from the heart of The Goddess and the soul of God. In her world, far beyond the stars in a complex of universes, there is light, color, sound, energy and love that one may recall only in their dreams... it is a depth of belonging to a vast energy that is far beyond verbiage.
As a pure Crystal Being from the star system of Sirius, Kriss-Tar assists those ready to align with their higher consciousness, to recall their ancient lifetimes, abilities, talents, gifts & wisdom.
There are guides specific to each of you that await your invitation to more clearly enter into you waking state. It may be an angel, ancient grandfather or grandmother, master, personal counselor or one such as Kriss-Tar from a long ago past origin. These beings are from your personal counsel that you are ready to meet and create with at this time and in this space. They are here to consciously assist you in your growth, manifestation abilities, life purpose, abundance and joy.
We are currently offering a special 1 hour session for
$85.00 through February & March
** The introduction of a counselor is only provided upon request **
With Blessings of Light, Love & Rainbows,
Kriss-Tar & Sharlleyn